I do not understand the following behavior of the typechecker :
match x 4 with `X z -> z | `Y -> assert false;;
- : [ `Y | `X of '_a] as 'a = `X (`X (`X `Y))
Objective Caml version 3.00
# let rec x n = if n = 0 then `Y else `X (x (n-1));;
val x : int -> ([> `Y | `X of 'a] as 'a) = <fun>
# x 3;;
- : _[> `Y | `X of '_a] as 'a = `X (`X (`X `Y))
# match x 4 with `X z -> z | `Y -> assert false;;
- : [ `Y | `X of '_a] as 'a = `X (`X (`X `Y))
What do these underscores mean ? Anything to do with monomorphic type
variables ? Why is not there any ">" at the beginning of the latest
type ?
-- Judicael.Courant@lri.fr, http://www.lri.fr/~jcourant/ (+33) (0)1 69 15 64 85 "Montre moi des morceaux de ton monde, et je te montrerai le mien" Tim, matricule #929, condamné ŕ mort. http://rozenn.picard.free.fr/tim.html
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