Re: reference initialization

From: Pierre Weis (
Date: Thu May 18 2000 - 18:16:08 MET DST

  • Next message: Georges MARIANO: "CamlTk and LablTk"
  • Next message: Max Skaller: "Re: reference initialization"

    Finally I think I've done the ``Further work part'' I mentioned for
    vector initialization!

    We end up with a new initialization function for arrays that ensures
    the proper and unique initialisation of each element of the array, but
    is simpler to use and understand:

    val initialize :
     int -> 'a -> ((int -> 'a) -> (int -> 'a -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a array
     [initialize n x f] returns a fresh array of length [n],
     with elements initialized by function [f].
     All the elements of the new array must be assigned once and only
     once by the function [f]. [f] received two functions as arguments,
     one to access elements of the new array, and the other to set the
     elements of the new array. [f] can access to element [i] of the new
     array provided [f] has already properly initialized element [i].
     Raise [Not_yet_initialized i] if element [i] is accessed before being
     Raise [Already_initialized i] if element [i] is assigned twice.
     Raise [Never_initialized i] if element [i] has never been assigned at
     the end of initialization.
     [Array.initialize n x f] uses [2 n] words of heap space.
    exception Not_yet_initialized of int;;
    exception Already_initialized of int;;
    exception Never_initialized of int;;

    let initialize n x0 f =
     if n = 0 then [||] else
     let init_v = Array.make n false in
     let v = Array.make n x0 in
     let get i = if init_v.(i) then v.(i) else raise (Not_yet_initialized i) in
     let set i ei =
       if not init_v.(i) then (v.(i) <- ei; init_v.(i) <- true) else
       raise (Already_initialized i) in
     (f get set : unit);
     for i = 0 to n - 1 do if not init_v.(i) then raise (Never_initialized i) done;

    The examples can now be written more naturally, with a minimum of
    modification (beside correction of original bugs in chooses) :

    let fibs n =
     let init_fibs get set =
       set 0 1; set 1 1;
       for i = 2 to n - 1 do
        set i (get (i - 1) + get (i - 2))
       done in
     initialize n 0 init_fibs;;

    let chooses n =
     let init_chooses get set =
      let set_ei i ei =
        set i ei;
        if n - i <> i then set (n - i) ei in
      set_ei 0 1;
      for i = 1 to n / 2 do
       set_ei i (get (i - 1) * (n - i + 1) / i)
      done in
     initialize (n + 1) 0 init_chooses;;

    let invs f n =
     let init_inv get set =
      for i = 0 to n - 1 do set (f i) i done in
     initialize n 0 init_inv;;

    Pierre Weis

    INRIA, Projet Cristal,,

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