Ocaml library implementing equivalence classes and partial orders

From: nari (nari@ibmoto.com)
Date: Tue May 23 2000 - 01:56:31 MET DST

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    I was wondering why there has been no Ocaml library implementation
    for equivalence and partial order relations (at least over basic types)
    as we have a 'Set' library over ordered types.

    For example,
    an equivalence class module may export functions such as

    type t
    val create_equiv: Set.t -> eqrelation.t -> t
    val query_eqclass: t -> Set.elt -> Set.t

    If the user specifies a set of elements and the user defines the
    equivalence relation
    on those elements, the function should return a datatype that
    can be further queried for equivalence classes of individual elements.

    Is there any specific reason why such a generic library may be
    hard to implement? If not, are there any implementation issues we
    need to be concerned about.

    Narayanan Krishnamurthy (Nari)
    ASP Advanced Tools and Methodology
    Motorola SPS Architecture and Systems Platforms
    Motorola Inc. Semiconductor Products Sector
    7700 W. Parmer Lane, Austin, TX 78729

    Loc/MD: TX32/PL30 _ email : nari@ibmoto.com / \ email: Narayanan.Krishnamurthy@motorola.com Ph : (512) 996-4863 |O O| Fax : (512) 996-7432 ************************| I |********************************************* \ o / ---

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