Table of contents:
Caml is a programming language. It is a functional language, since the basic units of programs are functions. It is a strongly-typed language; it means that the objects that you use belong to a set that has a name, called its type. In Caml, types are managed by the computer, the user has nothing to do about types (types are synthesized).
The language is available on almost every Unix platform, on
PCs (under Windows) and on the Macintosh.
A brief tour on main features of Caml.
More details on how to
obtain Caml.
``Caml'' is an acronym: it stands for ``Categorical Abstract Machine Language''. The ``Categorical Abstract Machine'' is an abstract machine to define and execute functions. It is issued from theoretical considerations on the relationship between category theory and lambda-calculus. The first Caml compiler produced code for this abstract machine (in 1984).
In addition, Caml is issued from the ML programming language, designed by Robin Milner in 1978, and used as the programming language to write the ``proof tactics'' in the LCF proof system.
Hey, pretty simple to answer the question: just look at the contents of this file, Caml is written once or twice a line! On the other hand CAML is written only in the question ``Do you write Caml or CAML ?'' So, guess what ? We write Caml! Here is the detailed explanation:
According to usual rules for abbreviations (more exactly acronyms, since Caml stands for Categorical Abstract Machine Language), we should write CAML, as we write USA or INRIA. On the other hand, this upper case name seems to yell all over the place, and writing Caml is far more pretty and elegant. Now, the new name Objective Caml confirms this choice for simplicity and elegance, since, as far as I know, nobody writes Objective CAML!
So write Caml to be smart and think CAML to advertise this powerful programming tool!
Caml is compiled. However each Caml system (we call ``system'' the package ``compiler+its associated libraries'') offers a top-level interactive loop, that is similar to an interpretor. In fact, in the interactive system, the user may type in pieces of programs (we call these pieces Caml ``phrases'') that the system handles at once, compiling them, executing them, and writing their results.
That is to say, do I have to type the phrase I want to test as an extra argument on the command line ?
No. You launch the interactive system, then interact with it. For instance, if you use the Caml Light system under Unix, you may type
$ camllight
to launch the interactive system. Then you type the Caml phrases that you want to test. For instance:
$ camllight > Caml Light version 0.74 #1 + 2;; - : int = 3 #
It is often possible to interrupt a program or the Caml system by typing some combination of keys that is operating system dependent: under Unix send an interrupt signal (generally Control-C), under Macintosh OS type Command-., under Windows use the Caml menu.
or send an end-of-file (CTRL-D for Unix, CTRL-Z for DOS, ...)
Yes indeed, since ``;;'' is the end-of-phrase mark. In addition, you also need a carriage return (or enter) key press.
Write the program in a file (whose name must end with the extension ".ml") then call the Caml batch compiler to compile this file. In this case, printing of results is no more handled by Caml as when using the interactive system: you need to explicitly print your results.
For instance: if the file
let x = 2;; print_int (x * x);; exit 0;;
We compile it (under Unix) by the command
that creates an executable compiled program.
We can launch this program using the operating system (by default the
generated executable program is named a.out
under Unix):
$ a.out 4$
Phrases contained into the file have been executed in the order of presentation in the file.
These are different Caml systems: different compilers and different libraries. Moreover all these systems have their own extensions to the Caml core language.
These systems share many features since they all implement the core of the Caml language. So the basic syntax is the same. On the other hand the module systems are all different: the simpler system is Caml Light's, the more sophisticated (and the more powerful) is Objective Caml's. The compilers are often based on incomparable technology (native code or byte-code), some systems may offer several compilers. Some systems may run on more hardware platforms than others.
From the time being, the Caml Light system is the more widely used. It runs on virtually every Unix platforms, and personal computers (PC and Macintosh).
The Objective Caml system is the more advanced. It offers two
tightly coupled compilers: a compiler to native code (optimizing the
runtime but a bit slow to compile, this is ocamlopt
) and
a byte-code compiler (compiled code is slower but the compiler is very
fast, this is ocamlc
You can choose the language that Caml Light uses to write its messages.
To fix the language tell it to Caml Light (the name of languages is the one used by Internet).
environment variable,
or call the Caml Light system with option -lang
option on the command
line, or in the CAMLWIN.INI
Language now available are:
: French.
: Spanish.
: german.
: Italian.
: English.
English is the default language for messages that cannot be translated. If your language is not yet available, and if you want to translate Caml Light messages (about 50 messages), you're welcome to contact the Caml team (mail to
Books: 3 introductory books in French.
First, please verify that this is really an error from the Caml
system, not a documented feature that you are not aware of.
In case of a real bug, report it to our team (
Don't forget to tell us the kind of machine and the Caml version you
are using. If possible try to circumvent the bug as much as
possible, by writing a small example that exhibits the bug.
Thank you in advance.
The Caml V3.1 system is the ancestor of Caml Light. Caml V3.1 has many interesting (and rather complex) features, hard to implement. That is why the Caml V3.1 system works only on some Unix machines. In contrast, the Caml Light system is far more simple and portable, and runs on almost every Unix, Macintosh or PC platforms. Moreover, many useful and good features from the Caml V3.1 system are now ported to Caml Light, so that the difference between those two tends to vanish. You may find details here.
Caml Light and Objective Caml provide a library for graphic commands, that is machine independent.
On Macintosh or PC this library is linked with the application. Under
Unix, you must compile and install the camlgraph
which is in the contrib
directory. You then launch an interactive
Caml system with graphics by the command
$ camllight camlgraph
Graphic commands are then available if you open the graphic module
(#open "graphics";;
). The graphic window appears when calling
: its argument is a string that describes the
geometry of the window (the empty string corresponds to a
good default geometry).
So, a program that uses graphics
generally starts with
the two lines:
#open "graphics";; open_graph "";;
The size of the screen is implementation dependent, origin of coordinates is to the bottom left of the screen. Abscissas increase from left to right, and ordinates from bottom to up. There is a current point, and a pencil with a size and color. Pen is moved with or without drawing using:
moveto x y
: moves the pen to point
, y
lineto x y
: draws a line from current point to
point (x
, y
plot x y
: draws the given point.
Other operations:
close_graph ()
: kills the screen.
clear_graph ()
: clears the screen.
: returns the coordinates of the
current point.
size_x ()
: size in abscissas.
size_y ()
: size in ordinates.
set_color c
: set the color of the pen. (Colors
are built with function rgb
, but predefined colors are:
point_color x y
: returns the color of the given point.
You can print on the graphic window:
drawchar c
: prints the character c
at current point.
draw_string s
: prints the string s
current point.
wait_next_event evl
: waits until one of the events
from list evl
happens, then it returns the mouse status and
keyboard status at this moment.
Events can be:
: the mouse button has been pressed.
: the mouse button has been released.
: a key has been pressed.
: the mouse moved.
: don't wait, return at once.
button_down ()
returns true if the mouse button is
pressed, false otherwise.
mouse_pos ()
returns the position of the mouse's cursor.
read_key ()
waits for a key-press and returns that key.
key_pressed ()
returns true if a key has been
pressed, false otherwise. Once a key has been pressed,
key_pressed ()
will always returns true, unless it is
read using read_key ()
Caml Light provides a library that handles exact arithmetic computation for
rational numbers.
This library lies in the contrib directory, and you must compile and
install it before use. Then you may open it in your programs or launch an
interactive system including the package by the command (under Unix)
$ camllight camlnum
Operations on big numbers gets the suffix /
: addition is
thus +/
. You build big numbers using conversion from
(small) integers or character strings.
I first define a printer for the type num
, then I compute
1/3 + 2/3:
#open "num";; #open "format";; #let print_num n = print_string (string_of_num n);; print_num : num -> unit = <fun> #install_printer "print_num";; - : unit = () #num_of_string "2/3";; - : num = 2/3 #let n = num_of_string "1/3" +/ num_of_string "2/3";; n : num = 1
Now, I define the factorial function:
#let rec fact n = if n <= 0 then (num_of_int 1) else num_of_int n */ (fact (n - 1));; fact : int -> num = <fun> #fact 100;; - : num = 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000
The easiest way is to call the sys__time : unit ->
function: it returns the elapsed time since the beginning of
the execution.
Alternatively, under Unix, you may use the Unix
that provides an interface to the operating system
for Caml Light, or Unix.time
Objective Caml). More precise timing informations, but more complex to
use for beginners.
You just need to follow the steps given in the page
Difficult to answer something else: read the reference
manual! However,
a good piece of advice is to write your first programs by modifying
existing working programs. A first source of good looking programs is
the examples given with the language (see the examples/* directories
in the distribution).
See also A taste of Caml to get some
simple program examples.
To give you a first idea of the Caml syntax, let me comment the smallest example distributed with the Caml Light system, the program examples/basics/ (I added line numbers to facilitate citations):
1: (* The Fibonacci function, once more. *) 2: let rec fib n = 3: if n < 2 then 1 else fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) 4: ;; 5: if sys__interactive then () else 6: if vect_length sys__command_line <> 2 then begin 7: print_string "Usage: fib <number>"; 8: print_newline() 9: end else begin 10: try 11: print_int(fib(int_of_string sys__command_line.(1))); 12: print_newline() 13: with Failure "int_of_string" -> 14: print_string "Bad integer constant"; 15: print_newline() 16: end 17: ;;
) definition (let
) of a function named
, with parameter n
. The body of
is the expression that follows the =
sign (lines 3 and 4). In line 3 we test the argument n
and return 1
or the result of a recursive call, accordingly.
is true
, then the program runs within the interactive
system and we let the user call fib with whatever argument he may
desire: we literally do nothing (``()
Otherwise, if the program is used as a command, we enter the code from
line 6 to line 17.
Line 6 tests the number of arguments provided to the program: if there
are not exactly one argument (plus the name of the command
that is implicitly provided by the underlying system), we print an
error message (print_string "Usage:..."
), followed by (in Caml
sequencing is denoted by a semi-colon) a carriage return
Otherwise, an argument has been provided, and we execute lines 10 to 17.
We print the result of the call to fib with the argument provided
(print_int (fib ...)
), followed by a carriage return in lines 11 and 12.
The try
of line 10, with its with
expression (line 13 to 15) is the Caml construction to deal with
errors: the construction ``try expression with matching'' means
execute ``expression'' while catching errors that may occur (we handle
the different error cases in the ``pattern matching'' part of the
``try ... with'').
In the preceding example, if the user called the
program with an argument that cannot be converted to an integer (for
instance if the user launched $fib Hello), then
the function int_of_string, called in line 11, fails raising the
exception (Failure "int_of_string"
). This error is then
caught in the ``with'' part of the ``try'' that then prints an
appropriate error message (lines 14 and 15).
Keywords begin
and end
are equivalent to
parentheses; they are mainly used as delimiters for sequences of
instructions (that is expressions separated by ``;'' as in
lines 7 and 8) or the ``match ... with''
``try ... with'' constructs, as in lines 9 and 16.
The raise
primitive raises exceptions (signals errors)
when it is impossible to continue the computation in a reasonable way.
These exceptions have to be caught by a surrounding ``try ...
with'' construct to handle the error (either by aborting the whole
program after having printed a report, or by continuing the
computation in another way). If the error is never caught, then the
failure propagates until the evaluation stops. For instance:
#print_string "Hello"; #raise (Failure "division par zero"); #print_string " world ";; HelloUncaught exception: Failure "division par zero"
In Caml, the syntax to define functions is close to the
mathematical usage: the definition is introduced by the keyword
, followed by the name of the function and its
arguments; then the formula that computes the image of the argument is
written after an =
#let successor (n) = n + 1;; successor : int -> int = <fun>
Variations and other kind of functions:
let rec
instead of let
Recall that procedures are commands that produce an effect (for instance printing something on the terminal or writing some memory location), but have no mathematically meaningful result.
In Caml, there is no special treatment of procedures: they are just
considered as special cases of functions that return the
special ``meaningless'' value
. For instance, the
primitive that prints a character string on
the terminal, just returns ()
as a way of indicating that
its job has been properly completed.
Procedures that do not need any meaningful argument, get
as dummy argument.
For instance, the print_newline
procedure, that outputs a
newline on the terminal, gets no meaningful argument: it has type
unit -> unit
Procedures with argument are defined exactly as ordinary
functions. For instance:
#let message s = print_string s; print_newline();; message : string -> unit = <fun> #message "Hello world!";; Hello world! - : unit = ()
Note that it is impossible to define a procedure without any argument
at all: its definition would imply to execute it, and there would be
no way to call it afterwards. In the following fragment
is bound to ()
, and its
further evaluation never produces carriage returns as may be
erroneously expected by the user.
#let double_newline = print_newline(); print_newline();; double_newline : unit = () #double_newline;; - : unit = ()
The correct definition and usage of this procedure is:
#let double_newline () = print_newline(); print_newline();; double_newline : unit -> unit = <fun> #double_newline;; - : unit -> unit = <fun> #double_newline();; - : unit = ()
Just write the list of successive arguments when defining the function. For instance:
#let sum x y = x + y;; sum : int -> int -> int = <fun>
then gives the actual arguments in the same order when applying the function:
#sum 1 2;; - : int = 3
These functions are named ``curried'' functions, as opposed to functions with tuples as argument.
In Caml, tuples get the same syntax as in mathematics: a list of comma-separated expressions, enclosed in parentheses.
#(1, 2);; - : int * int = 1, 2
Generally component of tuples are accessed via pattern matching, using the definition of several identifiers.
#let (x, y) = let z = 1 in ((z + 1), (z + 2));; x : int = 2 y : int = 3
Functions may have arguments that are tuples, and functions may return results that are tuples.
#let add (x, y) = x + y;; add : int * int -> int = <fun> #add (1, 2);; - : int = 3 #let div_mod x y = (x quo y, x mod y);; div_mod : int -> int -> int * int = <fun> #div_mod 15 7;; - : int * int = 2, 1
(Note: to encode functions with several arguments, the habit is to use
curried functions, instead of functions with
tuples as arguments: use let f x y = ...
, and not
let f (x, y) = ...
You may use functions that have no names: we call them functional
values or anonymous functions. A functional value is introduced by the
keyword function
, followed by its argument, then an arrow
and the function body. For instance
#function x -> x + 1;; - : int -> int = fun #(function x -> x + 1) 2;; - : int = 3
Functions are applied as in mathematics: write the function's name,
followed by its argument enclosed in parens: f (x).
In practice, parens are mandatory only in the case of a complex
argument. They are omitted in case of constants or identifiers:
we write fib 2
instead of fib (2)
, and
fact x
instead of fact (x)
Difficulty: parens cannot be omitted in case of complex arguments.
When the argument of a function is more complex
than just an identifier, you must enclose this argument between
In particular you need parens when the argument is a negative constant number.
To apply f
to -1
you must write f (-1)
and not f -1
that is syntactically similar to
x - 1
(hence it is a subtraction, not an application).
It is not necessary, but may be more readable to add parens when a
function is called from within a binary operation.
Hence, you write fact x + 1
to mean (fact x) + 1
((fact x) + 1
is hopefully syntactically correct.)
If the argument of a function is an operation, you must add parens:
to apply f
to x + 1
, you must write
f (x + 1)
and not f x + 1
that stands for an
addition, and means (f x) + 1
. In many cases, when you
forget parens, the type-checker finds an error in the
program. Unfortunately, this is not always the case:
let rec fact x = if x = 0 then 1 else x * fact x - 1;;
x * fact x - 1
means x * (fact x) - 1
and not
x * fact (x - 1)
. As a consequence this program runs
into an infinite loop.
Functions are usually introduced by the keyword function
Each parameter is introduced by its own
construct. For instance, the construct
function x -> function y -> ...
defines a function with two parameters x
and y
Functions that use pattern-matching are also introduced by the keyword
The keyword fun
introduces curried functions (with
several successive arguments). For instance
fun x y -> ...introduces a function with two parameters
equivalent to
function x -> function y -> ...
Difficulty: when fun
introduces a pattern matching,
patterns with constructors that have an argument (``functional''
constructors) must be enclosed by parens.
This is because if
is a constructor with one argument, then
fun C x -> ...
syntactically means a function with two arguments ``C'' and ``x''. You need to use parens to resolve the ambiguity:
#type counter = Counter of int;; Type counter defined. #let f = fun Counter c -> c + 1;; Toplevel input: >let f = fun Counter c -> c + 1;; > ^^^^^^^ The constructor Counter requires an argument. #let f = fun (Counter c) -> c + 1;; f : counter -> int = <fun>
Note that with the keyword function
, this problem vanishes.
#let f = function Counter c -> c + 1;; f : counter -> int = <fun>
You need to explicitly tell that you want to define a recursive function: use ``let rec'' instead of ``let''. For example, or, or encore.
There might be no bug in the Caml compiler! Most of the time, this is due to the fact that you have not enclosed between parentheses a pattern matching which is nested inside another pattern matching.
You imperatively need to enclose between parens a pattern matching which is written inside another pattern matching. In effect, the internal pattern matching ``catches'' all the pattern matching clauses that are written after it. For instance:
let f = function | 0 -> match ... with | a -> ... | b -> ... | 1 -> ... | 2 -> ...;;is parsed as
let f = function | 0 -> match ... with | a -> ... | b -> ... | 1 -> ... | 2 -> ...;;
This error may occur for every syntactic construct that involves
pattern matching: ``function'', ``match .. with'' and ``try ... with''.
The usual trick is to enclose inner pattern matchings with
and end
. One write:
let f = function | 0 -> begin match ... with | a -> ... | b -> ... end | 1 -> ... | 2 -> ...;;
This is due to a missing argument: since Caml is a functional
programming language, there is no error when you evaluate a function
with missing arguments: in this case, a functional value is returned,
but the function is evidently not applied.
Example: if you evaluate print_newline
without argument,
there is no error, but nothing happens:
#print_newline;; - : unit -> unit
#print_newline ();; - : unit = ()
This is due to the physical sharing of two arrays that you missed. In Caml there are no implicit array copying. If you give two names to the same array, every modification on one array will be visible to the other:
(* Definition of v *) #let v = make_vect 3 0;; v : int vect = [|0; 0; 0|] (* Array w is physically the same as v *) #let w = v;; w : int vect = [|0; 0; 0|] #w.(0) <- 4;; - : unit = () (* v is modified by the modification of w *) #v;; - : int vect = [|4; 0; 0|]
The physical sharing effect also applies to elements stored in vectors: if these elements are indeed vectors, the sharing of these vectors implies that modifying one of these elements modifies the others (see also).
The only way is to define an array, whose elements are arrays themselves. (Caml arrays are unidimensional, they modelize mathematical vectors.)
The naive way to define multidimensional arrays is bogus: the result is not right because there is some unexpected physical sharing between the lines of the new array:
#let matrix_2_3 = make_vect 2 (make_vect 3 0);; matrix_2_3 : int vect vect = [|[|0; 0; 0|]; [|0; 0; 0|]|] #matrix_2_3.(0).(0) <- 1;; - : unit = () #matrix_2_3;; - : int vect vect = [|[|1; 0; 0|]; [|1; 0; 0|]|]
In fact, the allocation of a new array has two phases: first,
computation of the initial value, and then this value is written in
each element of the new array.
(That's why the line which is allocated by (make_vect 3
is unique and physically shared by all the lines of the
array matrix_2_3
Solution: use the make_matrix
primitive that builds the
matrix with all elements equal to the initial value provided.
Alternatively, write the program that allocates a new line for each
line of your matrix. For instance:
let matrix_n_m n m init = let result = make_vect n (make_vect m init) in for i = 1 to n - 1 do result.(i) <- make_vect m init done; result;; matrix_n_m : int -> int -> 'a -> 'a vect vect = <fun>
In the same vein, the copy_vect
primitive gives strange
results, when applied to matrices: you need to write a function that
explicitly copies each line of the matrix at hand:
let copy_matrix m = let l = vect_length m in if l = 0 then m else let result = make_vect l m.(0) in for i = 1 to l - 1 do let coli = copy_vect m.(i) in result.(i) <- coli done; result;;
An abstract data type is a type for which names are forgotten: constructors or labels are not exported by the module that define this type. This is useful to change the implementation of the type, without modifications of the client modules.
For instance, we start the implementation of stacks by a trivial implementation using lists:
type 'a stack == 'a list;; let new_stack init = ref [];; let push x s = s := x :: !s;;
Then we may use a more complex data structure with vectors and dynamic reallocation when the stack overflows:
type 'a stack = {mutable Content : 'a vect; mutable Pointer : int};; let new_stack init = {Content = make_vect 100 init; Pointer = 0};; let push x s = s.Content.(s.Pointer) <- x; s.Pointer <- s.Pointer + 1; if s.Pointer = vect_length (s.Content) then begin let old = s.Content in s.Content <- make_vect (2 * vect_length old) old.(0); blit_vect old 0 s.Content 0 (vect_length old) end;;
Printing functions for each basic type are named
``name of the type''. For instance
, print_float
You may also use the printf
primitive from the
printf module.
The printf
function takes a string as first argument
(the so-called ``format'' string). In this string the type of arguments to print
is indicated by a %
symbol followed by the symbolic
type of the argument. So ``%s'' means a string argument, and ``%d'' an
integer argument:
#printf__printf "The number %s is %d" "one" 1;; The number one is 1- : unit = ()
In addition, you may try the pretty-printing with boxes and line break hints with the format module (basic documentation about format).
To accelerate input/output operations, characters printed by
output functions are not output at once on the terminal (or on the
file). Instead, these characters are stored into the memory in a
buffer. This buffer is automatically flushed when it is full,
or when an explicit flush command is evaluated by the program
(by calling the function flush : out_channel -> unit
or at the end of evaluation if an explicit termination statement is
evaluated (exit 0
This behavior, common to many programming languages, can lead to the loss of the last printing commands of the program, since the characters are pending into the output buffer, and thus are not written into the output file nor shown on the terminal.
This phenomenon disappeared in case of interactive use, since the interactive system automatically flushes the output buffer at the end of each evaluation phase, before prompting the user for the next phrase. But if you generate executable programs using the Caml compiler you have to explicitly deal with this problem.
To solve the problem it suffices to call the ``end of program''
function exit
exit 0;;
or to explicitly flush the output buffer of the channel on which
the program is writing. For instance, for the terminal, simply evaluate:
flush stdout;;
If you use printing functions of the format
you might not mix printing commands from format
printing commands from the basic I/O system. In effect, the material
printed by functions from the format
module is delayed
(stored into the pretty-printing queue) in order to find out the
proper line breaking to perform with the material at hand. By contrast
low level output is performed with no more buffering than usual I/O
buffering. So that you can observe the following output differences between
pure low level output:
# print_string "before"; print_string "MIDDLE"; print_string "after";; beforeMIDDLEafter- : unit = ()and mixed calls to low and high level printing:
# print_string "before"; Format.print_string "MIDDLE"; print_string "after";; beforeafterMIDDLE- : unit = ()
To avoid this kind of problems you should not mix printing orders
from format
and basic printing commands; that's the reason why
when using functions from the format
module, it is
considered good programming habit to open format
in order to completely mask low level printing functions by the high
level printing functions provided by format
N.B: format
printings are automatically flushed after
each evaluation in the interective system. Explicit flushes are
also performed by calling the print_newline
function that
emits a line break and empties the pretty printer queue.
Use input-output channels that connect Caml to the rest of the world. You must create a channel before use, so you have to ``open'' the channel, that is connect the channel to a hard device of the computer. When you no longer use the channel, you must close it.
, open them with
applied to a file name. Close them with
the close_in
primitive. You read a string with
or input_line
, open them with
, close them with close_out
, write
in them with output_string
, output_char
Three channels are always opened:
, the ``standard input'' channel, generally
connected to the keyboard. Read a line from the keyboard with
read_line ();;
, the ``standard output'' channel, generally
connected to the screen.
Write a line s on the screen with
output_string std_out s;;
, the ``standard error'' channel, generally
connected to the screen.std_err: prerr_string, prerr_endline
Other operations:
and input_value
primitives. These
operations preserve the sharing that may occur in the value they manipulate.
Warning: always use binary
mode for the files where you write Caml values.
To speed up execution all the input-output operations evaluated by
a program are not immediately performed to the corresponding device:
characters to output are simply stored into the memory in a so-called
output buffer dedicated to each output channel. When using
executable programs (as generated with the Caml compiler and linker),
it is mandatory to flush these buffers at the end of evaluation, using
the flush
function. Otherwise, the last characters
written on the corresponding channel could be lost.
The explicit program termination function exit
flushes all pending output buffers. So, just add exit 0;;
the last expression to evaluate at the end of your program, to be sure
that output operations will be properly achieved.
To obtain random numbers, just use predefined functions from the
included in the standard library.
To get an integer use the int
function, and to get a
floating point number use the float
Note that these functions are indeed procedures, since they return a
different number at each invocation.
#let make_couple () = [| random__int 1000; random__int 1000 |];; make_couple : unit -> int vect = <fun>each call to
returns a new fresh vector with
a different contents.
Compare with
#let make_couple = [| random__int 1000; random__int 1000 |];; make_couple : int vect = [|281; 407|]that defines a unique constant vector with two random numbers, that have been chosen once and for all.
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