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Caml Light / OCaml

Interfaces with other languages

Latest adds/updates
2001-08-10An example of OCaml-C++ interfaceDiscusses various issues related to exceptions.
2001-08-10An example of OCaml-Fortran interface
By William Chesters
2001-08-10CamlIDLA stub code generator and COM binding for OCaml.
By Xavier Leroy
2002-02-18CamlJavaAn OCaml/Java interface.
By Xavier Leroy
2001-08-14CamouflageA tool that supports interfacing between C and OCaml. Camouflage reads a .mli file and creates the necessary C interfaces to the given module.
By Robbert van Renesse
2001-08-10CigenGeneration of stubs for Caml-to-C interface based on a .h header file (work in progress, not yet complete).
By Gerd Stolpmann
2002-08-21CILInfrastructure for C Program Analysis and Transformation.
By Westley Weimer, Scott McPeak, George Necula
2001-08-16FFIA foreign function interface package for Objective CAML. It reads C header files and generates a mix of C code and ocaml external declarations.
By David Fox
2003-08-26ForkliftA program for generating language bindings based on C header files.
By Jeff Henrikson
2001-08-09JavaCamlA port of the Ocaml bytecode interpreter to Java.
By Gerd Stolpmann
2004-06-01O'JacareO'Jacare is a code generator to help in interoperability between Java and O'Caml through their object model. O'Jacare defines a simple IDL for Java's classes and interfaces descriptions. For communications from Java to O'Caml it owns a callback mechanism. So, you can easily override in O'Caml a method defined in Java. The implementation is based an each language low-level interfaces with C (JNI for Java and external for O'Caml) and uses an extended version of the camljava library. O'Jacare generates all needed wrapper classes and enables static typechecking in both world.
By Emmanuel Chailloux, Grégoire Henry
2004-06-01OCamILOCamIL is an experimental OCAML compiler that targets Microsoft .NET.
By Raphael Montelatici, Emmanuel Chailloux
2005-02-18perl4camlInterface for calling Perl code from OCaml.
By Richard W.M. Jones
2002-05-29PycamlA system for binding OCaml code with python.
By Art Yerkes
2003-12-05SWIGSWIG is compiler that connects C and C++ with a variety of scripting languages, including an OCaml module.