Date | Name | Description |
2002-08-12 | BioCaml | An OCaml library of useful functions for bioinformatics.
By Hideo Bannai, Yoshinori Tamada |
2004-01-22 | CamlFloat | A stylized interface to the Fortran libraries Lapack and Blas for OCaml.
By Shivkumar Chandrasekaran, Bill Lyons |
2004-03-31 | Contfrac | An OCaml module for performing exact arithmetic on real numbers by representing them as continued fractions.
By Thomas Baruchel |
2002-04-11 | Coq | A proof assistant.
By Judicael Courant, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Hugo Herbelin, Gilles Dowek, Christine Paulin-Mohring, Bruno Barras, Benjamin Werner |
2001-11-02 | Creal | An exact real arithmetic module for OCaml.
By Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, David Monniaux |
2004-09-27 | FaCiLe | A Functional Constraint Library over
integer and integer set finite domain written with OCaml.
By Pascal Brisset (ENAC) |
2002-05-14 | FFTW | An interface to the FFTW library.
By Christophe Troestler |
2003-07-21 | FoC | An environment to develop certified computer algebra libraries.
By Thérèse Hardin |
2003-02-11 | GeOCaml | A tool allowing to handle easily euclidian geometry.
By Arnaud Doniec, Georges Mariano |
2003-01-20 | HOL-light | A small and idealistic, yet fairly powerful, theorem prover.
By John Harrison |
2001-08-09 | LACAML | BLAS/LAPACK-interface for OCaml
By Markus Mottl |
2002-09-16 | Link | A theorem prover for Multiplicative Linear Logics based on PROOF NETS Construction.
By Didier Galmiche, Luc Habert |
2001-11-23 | Maple-MuPad | A small tool that may help to convert a Maple code to MuPad.
By François Thomasset |
2001-08-10 | Math Library in Caml-Light |
By Andrew Conway |
2003-11-20 | Mathlib | Useful math, numeric and random number routines, including a lot of the new functions in the C99 standard library.
By Shawn Wagner |
2001-10-01 | Mathplot | A GUI frontend for interactive graphing of functions. It also has a program to generate PostScript output.
By Pascal Rigaux (Pixel) |
2002-11-23 | MLGMP | An extended precision computation library (integers, rationals, floats) in OCaml.
By David Monniaux |
2004-11-02 | Mlgrace | A high-level interface to the Grace 2D plotting application.
By Paul Pelzl |
2004-07-08 | NML | a dynamically typed functional language whose syntax conforms closely to that of OCaml. In addition, it supports overloaded, vectorized, math operations, list comprehensions, and optional and keyword arguments in uncurried argument tuples, possibly with specified default values. It can access OLE compliant, and low-level COM interfaces, supports serial I/O and socket based communication, and provides an ADO connection to external databases. An Emacs mode is supported through a hacked Tuareg interface, as well as a Tcl/Tk interactive browser and interaction window with list pane access to a user modifiable documentation database.
By David McClain |
2001-08-09 | Numerix | Big integer library.
By Michel Quercia |
2004-10-26 | Ocamaweb | A CWEB like literate programming tool. It is designed to target all languages and actually has a version targeting the MATLAB language.
By Charles-Albert Lehalle |
2004-04-28 | ocaml-glpk | Bindings to GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) which is a package intended for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and other related problems.
By Samuel Mimram |
2004-02-09 | ocamldelaunay | A simple-minded, O(N^2), floating-point, 2D Delaunay triangulator
without constraints.
By Issac Trotts |
2004-02-16 | ocamlgsl | A wrapper for GSL, the GNU Scientific Library.
By Olivier Andrieu |
2002-05-02 | OCamlmex | An OCaml/Matlab interface.
By Maurice Bremond |
2004-09-07 | Orpie | Orpie is a fullscreen RPN calculator for the console. Its operation is similar to that of modern HP calculators, but data entry has been optimized for efficiency on a PC keyboard. Features include extensive scientific calculator functionality, command completion, and a visible interactive stack.
By Paul Pelzl |
2002-11-08 | Overflow | A module redefining common operations and raising an exception in case of overflow.
By Sébastien Ailleret |
2001-11-02 | PsiLAB | Scientific and numerical research environment
By Stefan Bosse |
2004-06-21 | SPPoC | Symbolic Parameterized Polyhedral Calculator.
By Xavier Redon, Pierre Boulet |
2004-11-02 | Surreal | An exact real arithmetic library for objective caml.
By Yamagata Yoriyuki |